Unfortunately due to my insane schedule, I've decided it's best to discontinue this blog. I can't devote the time I feel is necessary for both timely and thoughtful posts. But that's not to say the past three years have gone to waste! In fact, I still remember the night I created this very blog. It was near the end of my first semester at NYU, I was "studying" in the library (for the first and last time) and decided to finally make a blog. It was trendy—how could I resist?! I've gone from being a shy, soft spoken freshman, with a strong interest in fashion and beyond jealous of my peers interning at TeenVogue to a more confident (and stylish?) senior, ready to graduate and conquer the fashion pr world—and I'm blonde! Looking back, I didn't have anything close to the typical college experience, but I'm not your typical girl! And that's exactly what I want.
However, please do follow on tumblr, twitter, pinterest and instagram!