I may be prematurely calling myself a second semester senior as I will not be completely done with the semester until 4pm Tuesday afternoon, but I already feel like one. This semester went by so incredibly fast. I can't even imagine what it's like to be graduating right now because they're just done. That's it. No ceremony until May. I'm not one of those people who wants to stay in school forever, but I certainly don't want to miss out on the Senior activities that take place in the spring!
This semester I ended up really enjoying two of my classes. I had heard really good things about the social media class (which was new last semester) and it fit into my fields of study, so I figured why not. The professor is amazing. So good that I wish I had taken senior media seminar with her this semester (though it is very likely that I wouldn't have gotten in). And she is the main reason I am taking fashion and power next semester. I would say I'm not a huge social media enthusiast. I love using social media (duh), but I don't really think about the cultural concepts behind the usage. The class definitely taught me some really interesting theories about technology that I literally use every day. The second class I enjoyed was TV Nation. I've always watched a lot of TV, like when I was in high school, whenever we got any tv show's season dvd set, I would watch the whole season as fast as possible, staying up all night and telling myself "just one more episode." I kind of explained the concept of the class in my last post, so I'll just tell you about our final pitch. My group was Bravo, and we picked up a reality competition show about window dressing called On Display. The tagline is "whose dreams will be shattered next?" and the send off line is "I'm sorry, you're no longer on display." The host would be Simon Doonan, and the judges would be Nicola Formichetti, Scott Pask (Tony award winning set designer of Book of Mormon) and Sarah Jessica Parker. I didn't really like SJP as a judge because I didn't understand how she was an expert in the field, but I got my way with Simon Doonan as host, which I think was more important. Our team did really, really well. The class was overwhelmingly positive with the critique--many students even said they would watch the show. But, we ended up losing to AMC and their show Olympia.
Now that both the semester and my internship are over, I'm shocked with all the free time I have. I'll go from working 7 days a week to working anywhere from 2.5 to 5 days. Next week I'll only be working 2.5 days at my weekend job, so I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. Do a little research and see what exhibits are where, hopefully do more cooking, definitely want to go to Flushing with Xiali at some point, maybe a trip to Housing Works? The options seem endless!
Yesterday, I did go to the Open House New York Hello Kitty! Hello Art!, which is showing this weekend only. There was a lot of pop art inspired by Hello Kitty and other Sanrio characters. They also had a silver tinsel Christmas tree with all plush Hello Kitty ornaments. aka my dream. I had to get the coffee table book that accompanies the exhibit from the gift shop. I also took a picture (well, several) with these giant Hello Kitty light up Christmas decorations. Super happy I went, since I by chance found out about it at the last minute.
On a random side note, I am supremely surprised and disappointed by Blogspot's 1GB picture limit. I seriously had no idea there was such a thing, and I hate not having pics in my posts. I've kinda been considering switching to Wordpress, because it would force me to learn more of the technical stuff (yet another thing I want to learn!), but I've had this blog for three years as of 12/13! I have to keep it up at least until I graduate. I literally started this blog one night, at the end of freshmen year exactly three years ago (it was also Santacon Saturday!) really late at night when I was supposed to be studying in the library. Literally the first and last time I willingly studied in the library. My how things have changed in those three years, and I feel like this blog documented all of it. I don't want to give it up quite yet. Decisions, decisions.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
After Sandy, everything has been a blur. Even though we only missed one week, it felt like so much more. This was extremely evident in many of my classes. Most of my classes just adjusted and condensed topics, but my senior media seminar was....painful. We basically had 1.5 weeks to write a 15-20 page research paper. Due to the scheduling (fall break, sandy, he cancelled class, etc.) and the fact that it is a once a week class, we lost almost one month of class. Normally I wouldn't have minded because the class is a bit dry, but then we had no time to write the paper, which was not at all ideal. I had to take off extra days from my internship to complete the paper ( I think at this point I've missed three weeks of my internship....). I finished the paper in a timely manner. And that was my biggest thing of the semester, so I think it'll be a nice coast for the last three weeks. eek.
One class I didn't think I would like as much as I do is my TV class. It's a pretty basic introduction to the industry, but the final presentation/project is structured as a game. Basically, the class is divided into writer, producers and network execs. The writers come up with show ideas, pitch them to the producers, the producers team up with a writing team, pitch the pilot ideas to the networks, and then they pick up a show and present it to the class. We are now at the last stage of the game. The network execs just chose their shows, so now we have two week to further develop the idea, and pitch it to the class, and a panel of judges from the industry. My team is Bravo, and I am actually very excited about the show we picked up. I think it has a lot of refining, but I am genuinely interested in the show, and I feel that my knowledge of fashion will be a huge asset to our team.
As far as next semester (my last semester!!) is concerned, I think it might actually be challenging, which is somewhat unfortunate. I'll be taking 5 classes/18 credits plus 3 days of interning and 2 days of my weekend job. And, because I'm an idiot, I put off some of the liberal arts requirements so I'll be in an introductory class with all freshmen. I don't really mind the freshmen (yet), but I do mind having recitations. ick. The silver lining of my spring classes is that I'll be taking fashion and power! It's literally the only fashion related class in my major (one that is full of fashion girls), but it is notoriously the most difficult class, a fact my advisor told us during freshmen orientation. After I realized freshmen year that I would always have the worst registration times, I kind of ruled out my fashion and power dreams. That is until I saw my current social media professor will be teaching it next semester. I absolutely had to take it. For me, it's just an elective but I wish I had known it counts for the fields of study.....that would have been useful to know. It also would have been useful to have someone tell me freshmen and sophomore year to finish the liberal arts requirements ASAP. Taking those classes as an upperclassman is absolute torture. So, please learn from my mistakes!
Like I said last post, I'm sadly at my photo limit so there will be no photos until I figure something out. But check out my twitter because I post lots of pics and links there! And I tweet a lot.
One class I didn't think I would like as much as I do is my TV class. It's a pretty basic introduction to the industry, but the final presentation/project is structured as a game. Basically, the class is divided into writer, producers and network execs. The writers come up with show ideas, pitch them to the producers, the producers team up with a writing team, pitch the pilot ideas to the networks, and then they pick up a show and present it to the class. We are now at the last stage of the game. The network execs just chose their shows, so now we have two week to further develop the idea, and pitch it to the class, and a panel of judges from the industry. My team is Bravo, and I am actually very excited about the show we picked up. I think it has a lot of refining, but I am genuinely interested in the show, and I feel that my knowledge of fashion will be a huge asset to our team.
As far as next semester (my last semester!!) is concerned, I think it might actually be challenging, which is somewhat unfortunate. I'll be taking 5 classes/18 credits plus 3 days of interning and 2 days of my weekend job. And, because I'm an idiot, I put off some of the liberal arts requirements so I'll be in an introductory class with all freshmen. I don't really mind the freshmen (yet), but I do mind having recitations. ick. The silver lining of my spring classes is that I'll be taking fashion and power! It's literally the only fashion related class in my major (one that is full of fashion girls), but it is notoriously the most difficult class, a fact my advisor told us during freshmen orientation. After I realized freshmen year that I would always have the worst registration times, I kind of ruled out my fashion and power dreams. That is until I saw my current social media professor will be teaching it next semester. I absolutely had to take it. For me, it's just an elective but I wish I had known it counts for the fields of study.....that would have been useful to know. It also would have been useful to have someone tell me freshmen and sophomore year to finish the liberal arts requirements ASAP. Taking those classes as an upperclassman is absolute torture. So, please learn from my mistakes!
Like I said last post, I'm sadly at my photo limit so there will be no photos until I figure something out. But check out my twitter because I post lots of pics and links there! And I tweet a lot.
#sandy2012 and the nor'easter
I have been meaning to post some new stuff for such a long time now, but I have been insanely busy. I briefly wanted to talk about my Hurricane Sandy experience. I still live in the dorms, so I was quite safe. In fact, I live in the "safest" dorm....meaning we have the largest generator. But it is located in the East Village, which we now know was part of the "SoPo" district (South of Power).
I honestly was not even aware there was going to be a hurricane until a few days before. To put it lightly, I was no where as prepared as I was last year for Irene (when I actually bought food and bread). This year, really all I could do was buy six 1.5 L bottles of water. I did have two flashlights, which proved to be very, very handy. Our power went out around 8:30 pm Monday night, and it was already dark by then. The hallways did have power (thanks to the generators!) but we only knew that the generator would last at least 90 minutes. No one knew if the water was still running, when the lights in the hallway would go out, if we could get into our rooms (our dorm uses key cards instead of actual keys) etc. Thankfully, the generator lasted one week. Hot water only lasted about 12 hours, but some did not even have running water.
I only stayed about 24 hours after the power went out, so until Tuesday night. I had not anticipated leaving, but I ended up staying in midtown with my friend Ben until Friday night. The first 24 hours felt like forever. Because there was no wifi, and the position of my room in relation to the building (I face an inner courtyard) I had absolutely no cell service. So I had no idea what was going on. I later found out something actually did happen with Verizon, but either way I was literally in the dark. The one advantage of my room is that it is directly across from the only window in the entire hallway. So I had first dibs on the bench, and the first night I literally laid there (pillow and everything) for hours just reading because there was nothing else to do. On Tuesday, the weather had pretty much calmed down, so my suitemates and I walked to KTown for a much needed meal. After dinner it was decided that the three of us (my roommate had already gone home for the weekend and just stayed home once school was cancelled) were going to leave. I'll be honest, I was not happy with the circumstances that surrounded this decision (which I felt I had no say in), but it ended up being for the best.
The rest of the week flew by because I channeled most of my energy and efforts into work and not really thinking about anything else. Late Friday night, I got the email that the power had been restored. I gathered up all my belongings (all three bags worth....) and hopped on a downtown bus.
The following Wednesday, we got hit by a Nor'easter (my first) which is like a freak snow storm. I pretty much stayed inside all day and caught up with the tv I missed from the week before.
And apparently I am out of storage space (?) for photos, so photos are currently a work in progress. But I have lots!
I honestly was not even aware there was going to be a hurricane until a few days before. To put it lightly, I was no where as prepared as I was last year for Irene (when I actually bought food and bread). This year, really all I could do was buy six 1.5 L bottles of water. I did have two flashlights, which proved to be very, very handy. Our power went out around 8:30 pm Monday night, and it was already dark by then. The hallways did have power (thanks to the generators!) but we only knew that the generator would last at least 90 minutes. No one knew if the water was still running, when the lights in the hallway would go out, if we could get into our rooms (our dorm uses key cards instead of actual keys) etc. Thankfully, the generator lasted one week. Hot water only lasted about 12 hours, but some did not even have running water.
I only stayed about 24 hours after the power went out, so until Tuesday night. I had not anticipated leaving, but I ended up staying in midtown with my friend Ben until Friday night. The first 24 hours felt like forever. Because there was no wifi, and the position of my room in relation to the building (I face an inner courtyard) I had absolutely no cell service. So I had no idea what was going on. I later found out something actually did happen with Verizon, but either way I was literally in the dark. The one advantage of my room is that it is directly across from the only window in the entire hallway. So I had first dibs on the bench, and the first night I literally laid there (pillow and everything) for hours just reading because there was nothing else to do. On Tuesday, the weather had pretty much calmed down, so my suitemates and I walked to KTown for a much needed meal. After dinner it was decided that the three of us (my roommate had already gone home for the weekend and just stayed home once school was cancelled) were going to leave. I'll be honest, I was not happy with the circumstances that surrounded this decision (which I felt I had no say in), but it ended up being for the best.
The rest of the week flew by because I channeled most of my energy and efforts into work and not really thinking about anything else. Late Friday night, I got the email that the power had been restored. I gathered up all my belongings (all three bags worth....) and hopped on a downtown bus.
The following Wednesday, we got hit by a Nor'easter (my first) which is like a freak snow storm. I pretty much stayed inside all day and caught up with the tv I missed from the week before.
And apparently I am out of storage space (?) for photos, so photos are currently a work in progress. But I have lots!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Mid-semester check in
Can't believe it's already half way though first semester. I've been super busy (I didn't realize it's almost been a month since I last posted!) with school, internship and weekend job. Same old same old. But the new courses for next semester were posted today, and I don't know if anybody knows this, but this is my favorite day of the semester. Nothing brings me greater joy than perusing thousands of courses and the potential for the next semester. Right now, it's looking like I'll only have classes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, which is not really ideal. I don't know if I'll be able to intern only two full days (and Monday and Friday...opposite ends of the week), but it is what it is. I did find out that a professor I currently have (and really, really enjoy) will be teaching a fashion class next semester! I had actually never planned on taking Fashion and Power (supposedly the hardest class in my major), but the professor who started the course and has always taught it isn't teaching. And I figure, I'm a senior so why not?! I'm actually hoping to take another fashion class in CAS (the liberal arts school), as well as an anthropology class and two film classes. At 18 credits, it's not exactly the relaxing last semester I imagined, but I've never taken fashion classes before so this will be a welcome challenge.
We had a fall break this past weekend, so I got to go home for five days!! Very relaxing. All I did was eat, read (I shockingly read two books in the past week!) and watch tv. We went to the cider mill, and I got to go to some homecoming events for my sister.
Before I went home, I went to two new places (to me) on the LES, twice in one week. La Montanara is the only fried pizza place. What they do is fry the dough, and then make the pizza and bake it like normal. Afterwards both times, I went to Il Laboratorio del Gelato, which I've been meaning to go to. The first time I didn't go to crazy, and got coconut and mexican cinnamon. But the second time, I felt much more adventurous, even sampling olive oil gelato (not very good). So I got honey lavender and cheddar cheese. And I finally got my gift from Elgene! Excited to use the nail polishes, especially my very own Chanel polish!!
We had a fall break this past weekend, so I got to go home for five days!! Very relaxing. All I did was eat, read (I shockingly read two books in the past week!) and watch tv. We went to the cider mill, and I got to go to some homecoming events for my sister.
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cinnamon role french toast |
Leftover fashion week
I swear these are the last fashion week images (that I totally meant to post weeks ago!)! My favorite collections from Paris are Dries van Noten, Chloe and YSL. I love the way plaids, florals, ruffles and lots of chiffon were mixed together at Dries. I've never been a huge fan of plaid (too prep school. too grunge. no middle ground) but in a new fabric (aka not flannel) I'm rethinking plaid! The other standout for me was Heidi Slimane's first YSL collection. I really, really liked the silhouettes (super skinny pants, the tallest heels, lots of blouses and those wide brimmed hats!), as this is how I'd like to dress one day.
(all images via ny mag)
(all images via ny mag)
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Chanel |
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Chloe |
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Dries Van Noten |
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Valentino |
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Monday, September 24, 2012
Leftover fashion week plus last week in food
This season, I've been really good about pinning my favorite looks to my runway pinterest board. Most people I know have pretty much abandoned pinterest at this point. I'll admit to being a fairly infrequent user (compared to twitter or tumblr at least), but I do like having a virtual mood board of runway looks, bags I'm coveting, etc. Here are the looks I liked from London and Milan fashion week (all images via nymag).
Last week I had dinner with two friends. The first night, I went to Bowery Diner, which I had read about last spring. I ended up getting the seasonal pie milkshake and mac n cheese. Both were really, really good and very rich. And the portions were quite generous. The next day, I went to Joe's Shanghai and feasted on soup dumplings! Afterwards, we got ice cream at Blue Marble in this food market in TriBeCa called All Good Things.
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Matthew Williamson |
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Clements Ribeiro |
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Blugirl |
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Burberry Prorsum |
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Blumarine |
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Issa |
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Moschino Cheap & Chic |
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Missoni |
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Cynthia Rowley |
Last week I had dinner with two friends. The first night, I went to Bowery Diner, which I had read about last spring. I ended up getting the seasonal pie milkshake and mac n cheese. Both were really, really good and very rich. And the portions were quite generous. The next day, I went to Joe's Shanghai and feasted on soup dumplings! Afterwards, we got ice cream at Blue Marble in this food market in TriBeCa called All Good Things.
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been craving mac n cheese, this more that satisfied it. |
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Burnt sugar ice cream in a pretzel cone |
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Enviable hair |
Thursday, September 13, 2012
First week of senior year
One (almost two!) weeks done, only I don't know how many left until graduation. I can't believe that it's already my last year of college. Ever since I came back from abroad, time has gone by so fast. Seriously, junior year went by so fast. I feel like I say this a lot, but this year I actually want to do all the things I've never had time to do. Not sure how I'll fit that in with school, internship and work, but I always seem to manage.
This past week was fashion week, so looking at the collections kept me pretty engaged every night. Check out my fashion week post for a round up of all my favorite collections and looks. One of the biggest trends I'm excited about is colored hair extensions! I tried coloring my hair (somewhat unsuccessfully) over the summer, and seeing all the collections might be the push I need to actually commit and bleach my hair......but baby steps for now.
Besides fashion, my week was filled with my usual. Food, new friends, new classes, new notebooks, etc. My suitemates and I went to Social Eatz to celebrate senior year. Everything was amazing. I got the asian market salad and ribs appetizer. But the fried chicken (which my suitemate got) was outstanding. Next time I go, I am definitely getting the fried chicken. The drinks were fruity....but super strong. ick.
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the lychee mix in is amazing. Kelvin needs to have it more often |
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new kitty ring! |
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new (but painful) shoes |
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obsessed with my nails. |
Kelvin Slush,
nail polish,
New York,
senior year,
This season I got to go to two shows!! One, for my current internship, and the second for my summer internship. The two shows were really different in size, location and crowd, so it was nice to experience the two. I had so much fun at both! It's truly amazing how much time and preparation goes into a 10-15 minute show. Here are some pics from my favorite shows, plus behind the scenes pics from Derek Lam and Anna Sui. Enjoy! (all images via the cut)
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Altuzarra |
walk through at Derek Lam |
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love the paillette pieces |
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Aila Wang!! |
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Calla |
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Richard Chai LOVE |
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Peter Som. I also LOVED the pastel hair extensions |
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Anna Sui. Love the sunnies |
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the hats are too funny! |
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Karlie working that gorgeously embroidered dress |
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Badgley Mischka |
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Marchesa |
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Tory Burch |
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Alexa Chung front row at Anna! |
The gift bags and run of show which took me hours to count (1200 of each) |
Before the doors opened |
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