Saturday, July 24, 2010


You know it's too hot when you consider 80 degrees cool, well, that's become my new standard this summer. It's been miserably humid in New York City going on two months now and I simply cannot wait until fall arrives! Falling leaves, chilly temperatures, crisp apples, pumpkins, new school supplies and fall fashion! I've just started to shop for fall/winter clothes, but I'm absolutely ecstatic about the pieces I've gotten thus far. Now all I need is a statement coat to make it my most fashionable fall yet!
 blouse, belt and skirt from the fall/winter '10 collection of Uniqlo.
 purple angora beret for $1.99 at the Uniqlo sample sale (!!!!!)

1 comment:

  1. This outfit's lovely - I can't wait for the women's clothing collection at UNIQLO this Autumn!
