Monday, December 14, 2009

"love, true love" (ala Vizzini from The Princess Bride)

This is the one, and only picture (so far) that I have of me, and two of my best friends at NYU—Johnny and Stephen. Johnny had me at, "Does anyone know how to sew?? I ripped my pokemon pillow case!" and Stephen at, "heyy gurrrl." hehe. just kidding, but not really....I tend to exaggerate, but only if it enhances my story, which it ALWAYS does.

Anyway, these are my friends. They live in 1008-B, and they've adopted me as a third roomie, of sorts. I spend the majority (read: ALL) of my spare time in their room. I'm even considering making Stephen's side of the closet my second closet because he only has two shirts that need to be hung, while my clothes are spilling over onto Laura's (my real roommate) side of the closet. It's a major cause for concern. And my name is on their door, and the other day someone was looking for my room, and was all confused and he said he couldn't find it at first because my name wasn't on the door, just my two [evil] Korean suitemates.

Back to my friends. I love them dearly and would do anything in the entire world for them. I like to think the feeling's mutual, I'm pretty sure it is, at least I hope it is. We can pretend that it is until I confirm.

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